Thursday, August 27, 2009


Promoting your event may seem obvious when you are trying to achieve some degree of success with fundraising. But you'd be surprised how many excellent fundraising ideas are wasted because of feeble (or even non-existent) promotions. In fact, many projects are held with 'word-of-mouth' advertising only! (You know, like 'Ya'll Come!') Promotion is simply TOO important to be ignored. Lack of promotion will make or break your results. (It's that simple!)

Many clubs have the attitude 'Whatever money we make will be more than we had before!' (Well, duh!)  Keep Reading...

Monday, August 24, 2009


Contemporary and inspiring mentors like Jim Rohn, Bob Proctor, Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins, Robert G. Allen, Mark Victor Hansen (and too many others to mention here) passionately teach us... We always receive far more than we give, no matter the value of what we are giving! The world just works that way! It's part of a Greater Plan. Our giving just cannot top what we will eventually receive! Even Wallace D. Wattles knew that over a century ago and shared it in his book The Science Of Getting Rich!
As you know by now if you've read my other posts, you know there are some things about fundraising that aggravate the fool out of me. But I absolutely believe ... Keep Reading...


You may remember that I don't sugar-coat things so you probably won't be surprised when you read this. One of my biggest fundraising gripes is when a group works hard on a project; planning, organizing, promoting and selling for 2 or 3 months straight. Then after the dust settles and all the vendors and expenses have been paid, you might have a couple of bucks left over for profit! You do the math. (I would but it might require the metric system!) You will probably find your group is working for just pennies an hour! That is SO WRONG and that really gets my feathers ruffled! (Keep Reading...)

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Welcome to my fresh, sometimes funny but always enlightening journey to Ultimate Fundraising Success!

I'm here to share tips, tools, tactics, strategies, a little humor, some occasional disrespect and, somewhere in the middle of all that will be super ideas for boosting your fundraising success. My blog is meant to share my experience and (are you ready?)...'insider secrets'. (Sounds like high espionage, doesn't it?)  (Keep Reading...)